By Courtney Vander Pol, CR Results

carb-cyclingCarb Cycling! How does it work? In order to lose weight, our bodies need the right combination of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats.

Here’s why:

Protein builds and maintains muscles.  Protein also breaks down more slowly than carbs and fat, which burns even more calories and helps you feel fuller longer.

Carbs/Starches are the preferred fuel source for your muscles and organs, and they come in healthy versions (vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes), and not-so-healthy versions (cakes, cookies, soda, doughnuts, candy, and many processed foods).  Healthy carbs are also crucial for burning calories, and since they break down more slowly than those not-so-healthy carbs, they keep your blood sugar and energy levels steady, and they also keep your calorie-burning furnace hot so it burns more calories!

Healthy fats (unsaturated fats) eaten in moderation help the development and function of your eyes and brain and help prevent heart disease, stroke, depression, and arthritis. Healthy fats also help keep your energy levels steady and keep you from feeling hungry.

So why do we alternate high-carb and low-carb days in carb cycling?
On high-carb days you’re stocking your calorie-burning furnace so that on low-carb days your furnace burns fat, and lots of it!  This pattern tricks your metabolism into burning a lot of calories, even on those low-carb days.  It’s an amazing and well-proven process.

What are the benefits?

Healthy Snacks (those few weeks while you are doing last minute errands before the big day!)

  1. Greek yogurt with fruit and granola
  2. Cheese sticks – part skim, low fat
  3. Hard Boiled Eggs
  4. Unsalted almonds or nuts
  5. Protein bars or protein shakes
  6. Drink at least 64 oz of water for good hydration
  7. Peppers, celery, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes – cut up and placed in zip-lock bags so they are easy to grab
  8. Reduce coffee, soda, energy drinks with artificial sweeteners

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