List of Questions to Ask Your Wedding Day DJ - #wedding #tips & #advice via www.BrideWays.comWhen couples start to plan their budget their biggest mistake is often setting a budget without understanding how far that budget will go; especially when it comes to the DJ and Dance! When brides are surveyed after their wedding year after year the number one thing that brides wished they would have spent more on it is their wedding dance!  In fact 100% of brides surveyed said they would have spent more money on the entertainment if they could do it all over again.

The Dance or reception is the defining memory for most of the guests. If the dance was lame and boring that is what they will remember. But if the dance ROCKED, they remember what a fantastic wedding it was.

21 questions to ask your future wedding DJ

Beware of inexpensive entertainment! Of course a DJ who has a 10 year old set of worn out speakers and pirated list of songs who only DJ’s part-time as a hobby is going to cost far less than a DJ who devotes a large amount of time and money to have the best equipment and offer high end amazing event!

Think of your wedding dance like a wedding ring. What would you get for $500 vs. $2500? Would you be excited to show off the $500 ring like you would a $2500 ring? No of course not. The more experienced and better DJ’s cost more…period!

Perfect Last Songs for Wedding Receptions!  Never really thought about the last song, but they have some good suggestions.

So as you plan your wedding dance, instead of setting a budget first, interview your top 3 DJ choices and then evaluate what they offer and what the cost is. From there set your budget according to how big of a wow factor you want to create for your guests. One thing you will not regret is having the dance of your life!

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