The Ring. The symbol of eternal love in a marriage. A lot goes into choosing the perfect ring, and since the mid 20th century, there has been a universal standard in the way to determine the value and a way to choose one over another.


Carats are not a measurement of size, but a measurement of weight. The unnoticeable difference between a 1.1 carat and 1.2 carat diamond could save you hundreds to thousands of dollars.


Colorless diamonds, or white diamonds, are considered the most valuable. These start with the grading of a D, the clearest, and will cost a pretty penny. E and F are considered colorless, and G though J will begin to have a small yellow tint. Diamonds can also be found in rare pinks, blues, greens and others, perfect for making a statement.


Levels of flaws, or inclusions, are common since diamonds are found in nature.
These are given the following grades:

F-Flawless inside and out
IF- internally flawless, meaning few blemishes on the surface
VVS1/VVS2- very, very slightly included-two levels
VS1/VS2- very slightly included – two levels
SI1/SI2- slightly included- two levels
I1,I2,I3- included – three levels

Many inclusions are not visible with the naked eye, so you can probably accept a lower grade diamond and save on cost without compromising beauty.


Not to be confused with shape, such as round, pear, princess, or square, the cut creates how the light enters the diamonds and reflects out. When done well, a diamonds cut can be the most important C. Many are cut considering inclusions, but most are cut focusing on beauty and style.

Happy New Year!

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