October Bridal Showcase Featured Vendor – Sarahlyn Real Estate

Ticket Sales for the October 7, 2018 GonnaGetWed Bridal Brunch Showcase are NOW OPEN! This week’s featured vendor is Sarahlyn Real Estate! After you’ve got all your wedding plans in place, guess what, there’s more! Here is what Sarahlyn Real Estate has to say: “Say YES to your HAPPY!” Is my motto. If you aren’t […]
October Bridal Showcase Featured Vendor – East Ridge Dental

Ticket Sales for the October 7, 2018 GonnaGetWed Bridal Brunch Showcase are NOW OPEN! This week’s featured vendor is East Ridge Dental! Dental is a big deal when it comes to your big day! Here is what East Ridge Dental has to say: Let that “Something New” be your smile! East Ridge Dental is an […]